We believe everyone deserves a place to call home.

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Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics provides a framework to steer and uphold accountability for the behavior of members of the Association. Ethics and values are pillars that help us achieve excellence, enhance the experience of our members, and ensure the financial stability of the Association. As such, we require all members to conduct themselves in ethical, honest word and deed that enhances the Association’s credibility, brand, and reputation.

All Members must understand and affirm this Code of Ethics.

Members pledge to:

• Conduct business in a manner that reflects credit on the MBA, our industry, and themselves.
• Refrain from dishonest statements or practices.
• Describe accurately and honestly the price, materials, or standards of workmanship used in a member’s job.
• Deal fairly with employees, subcontractors, suppliers, customers, and anyone else involved in the member’s projects.
• Perform to the standards of the National Association of Home Builders’ residential construction performance guideline, in effect at time of construction.
• Support our local, state, and national home building associations, and all related industries concerned with providing attainable housing as it is mutually beneficial to MBAKS interests and members.
• Register as a contractor in the state of Washington when required of your business type.
• Refrain from discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory behavior directed towards Association staff, members, and third parties in the context of activities relating to the MBA.
• Confidentiality: Respect and maintain the privacy of the Association's sensitive information, as well as that of other Members.
• Act transparently; declare any potential conflicts of interest.
• Represent the association in a favorable light both within and outside the Association. Refrain from actions or statements that might tarnish the Association's reputation.

Inappropriate Conduct

Members and their representatives must act professionally, honestly, fairly, and in a manner that enhances the Association’s reputation. Misconduct can result in disciplinary action. Our Association's success hinges on our esteemed staff and members; we invest heavily in our employees and in our industry relationships. Any conduct detrimental to our reputation or our ability to achieve our mission cannot be tolerated.

While not intended to be an exhaustive list, the following are examples of behavior and actions that damage the Association’s reputation and must not be tolerated.

• Lack of candor or transparency in dealing with the Ethics Committee.
• Engaging in activity that is prohibited by law.
• Violating any Association policy.
• Engaging in harmful gossip, erroneous, malicious, threatening, disparaging, disrespectful, offensive, or non-constructive commentary of any kind about member, staff, or the Association.
• Financing, promoting, or supporting individuals or groups who are undertaking actions detrimental to the Association, or its employees.
• Engaging in retaliation against any person making a complaint in good faith or participating in an investigation or Ethics Committee investigation is strictly prohibited by law, Association policy and the Code of Ethics.
• Engaging in offensive or disruptive behavior during Association activities, events, meetings, or engagements.
• Encouraging an employee to do anything that violates MBAKS rules, policies, or the law.
• Engaging in any conduct generally accepted as harassment, bullying, sexual or otherwise towards MBA staff, members and third parties.

Members are encouraged to share constructive feedback with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors. Issues regarding employees shall be directed to the Executive Director. Concerns about the Executive Director shall go to the Board President.

For observed or experienced violations of the law or this Code of Ethics, complaints shall be directed to the Executive Director or the Board President.

Ethics Committee

Ethics concerns should be rare. Therefore, unless proven otherwise, there should be no need for a standing Ethics Committee. Instead, upon the Executive Director or Board identifying need for an Ethics Investigation, the Executive Committee of the Board shall establish a Special Committee to investigate the complaint and provide recommended course of action (including no action) to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will then make the final determination as to what, if any, course of action is taken.

  • The special Ethics Committee shall have three voting members, one alternate and the Executive Director. All members of the Ethics Committee must be current members of the Board of Directors (the Executive Director is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors).
    • When appointing the Ethics Committee, particular care shall be taken by the Executive Committee to avoid conflicts of interest or possible bias among those on the Ethics Committee and the case at hand.
    • For each Ethics case at hand, the Executive Committee is to disclose to the Board of Directors:
      • the general nature of the possible ethics violation, and
      • who has been selected to serve on the special Ethics Committee.
  • While considering the potential ethics violation and possible disciplinary action, the special Ethics Committee is to:
    • Maintain confidentiality
    • Gather all facts. An independent investigator may be hired to conduct this step.
    • Determine findings. Document all essential details and evidence related to ethical concern that was considered.
    • Determine recommended course of action, if any. Report such recommendation.
    • Report findings and recommended course of action to Board of Directors.
  • Board of Directors will make final determination.

Adherence to this Code of Ethics will help foster an environment of mutual respect, dedication, and collaboration. It is our hope that through shared values and principles, the Association will thrive, and Members will experience a fulfilling and harmonious community. This Code serves not just as a set of rules, but as a reflection of our shared commitment to excellence and integrity.

Revised November 30, 2023

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